Supper Club 2021-2020

On Wednesday evenings in 2021-22, we offer educators who are part of the TCRWP family—teachers, principals, superintendents,research colleagues, authors—the chance to gather informally for an hour with a nationally renowned literacy leader. This will be a time for musing, thinking, and wondering together. The intention is for all of us to set ourselves up with a meal or a drink, and to give ourselves the chance to think out of the box with a literacy leader who can help us ask questions, learn from new veins of thought, and hear about books, resources, and tools that can enlarge our thinking and bring a lift to our teaching. Each of these discussions will be facilitated by two TCRWP leaders who will have interacted with the speaker ahead of time to discover especially fruitful conversational pathways.

Click here to view the schedule and speakers

Purchasing Information: The cost for Supper Club is $100/person for a one year subscription. The cost for Supper Club is $100/person for a one year subscription. We can accept payment by credit card only. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable, and cannot be shared among multiple individuals. The subscription is for 1 person, attending throughout the school year.

We can accept payment by credit card or purchase order. Purchase orders can be made out to:
Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, 525 W 120th Street, Box 77, New York, NY 10027.

Please note: All sessions take place live, over Zoom beginning Wednesday, September 1, 2020, and will run most Wednesdays throughout the school year (not including Wednesdays that fall on holidays or break). Sessions are offered live, and are not recorded for later distribution. Purchasers and attendees will receive Zoom information no later than a day before the scheduled event.

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