June Writing Institute

Monday, June 22 - Friday, June 26, 2020
This institute will be offered live, virtually via Zoom.
Hours: 11am-5pm Eastern Standard Time

Payment: Purchase orders for this institute can be made out to: Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Network, 525 W 120th Street, Box 77, New York, NY 10027

Across this spring, we have learned more about teaching writing, and more about teaching virtually, than any of us ever would have thought possible—and there were many moments of surprising beauty. Join us to be invigorated, inspired, and educated in forward thinking ways for our new world. The TCRWP Writing Institute is designed for educators, classroom teachers, school administrators, and curriculum specialists who are committed to turning writing classrooms into beautiful spaces, where writers of all kinds and voices flourish, across many platforms and sites, from brick and mortar to virtual.

During this five-day institute, small and large group sections will tackle both what it means to be a powerful writing teacher, and how to do that work virtually as needed. Participants will have the experience of a compelling virtual writing workshop every day in their small group and advanced sections, and will take away new knowledge and tips about virtual instruction, as well as deep knowledge of the teaching of writing. You’ll learn more about feedback, about conferring and small group work, about assessment, about phonics, about the rich study of mentor texts, and above all, about building intimacy and connection through writing, including digital and virtual writing. As our educational world changes and grows, you’ll feel equipped to lead and flourish as a teacher of writing.

Advanced (Returning) Sections
Morning Sections

  • Mentor Texts: A Deep Study of How to Use Books to Inspire, Demonstrate, and Give Horizons (K-2), Rachel Rothman
  • Improve Spelling (and Reading!) by Bolstering Students’ Control of Phonological Awareness and Phonics (K-2), Rebecca Cronin
  • A Conferring Clinic: Giving Kids (and Families) Meaningful Feedback on Student Writing (K-2), Amanda Hartman
  • Bring a Revision Mindset to Narrative Writing (3-9), Colleen Cruz
  • Power Tools, Methods, and Strategies that Provide Access and Support for English Language Learners (3-8), Hareem Khan
  • Writing about Reading: From Reading Notebooks to Literary Essays (3-9), Katie Clements
  • Methods for Powerful Feedback (in Multiple Modalities): Deepening Skills, Independence, and Passion (3-9), Mary Ehrenworth

Afternoon Sections

  • Develop a Culturally Responsive Writing Workshop: Create a Culture that Gives All Students Voice and Visibility (K-2), Arlène Casimir-Siar
  • Plan Easy and Accessible Small Groups that Give Students Opportunities for Practice and Feedback (K-2), Valerie Geschwind
  • Use Small Groups to Help Kids Transfer and Build Their Phonics Knowledge into Writing Workshop, (K-2), Christine Holley
  • Power Tools, Methods, and Strategies that Provide Access and Support for English Language Learners (1-3), Lucía Rocha-Nestler
  • Learn the Qualities and Strategies of Powerful Information Writing (3-6), Lucy Calkins and Hareem Atif Khan
  • Develop Toolkits to Support Small Group Work, and Deliver Those Small Groups in Multiple Modalities (3-9), Alicia Luick
  • A Handful of Well-Loved, Well-Studied Mentor Texts Can Set You Up for Success in Every Unit (3-9), Kristin Smith


This institute will be offered in real-time, online via Zoom, and videos will not be recorded for later distribution.

Registration and Payment

The noncredit registration fee for this institute is $850. You will be notified by e-mail if your application is accepted. Your acceptance e-mail will provide a link for payment (credit card or PO only). For more information about the institute, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.