The Project offers several different types of day long events across the year. Our ever-growing-in-attendance, free-to-all, twice-a-year Saturday Reunions take place at Teachers College and include more than a 140 open enrollment, one-hour workshops designed to support educators’ teaching of literacy for grades K-8 as well as keynotes and closings given by favorite authors of children’s and professional literature. In addition, several times a year, the Project also offers Units of Study Conferences held around the country led by Lucy Calkins and other co-authors of the Units of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing and Units of Study in Argument, Information, and Narrative Writing which support educators in how to use the new Units of Study grade-by-grade curricula to help students reach ambitious 21st century global standards. The Project also offers a series of over 150 one-day workshops for teachers and administrators held at Teachers College which focus on topics such as reading, writing, phonics, content-area literacy, data-based assessments and so forth. These TCRWP workshops are tailored to specific grade levels, K-8 and are staffed by TCRWP leader as well as national literacy leaders. TCRWP workshops are available to schools who receive our on-site staff development.
For more detailed information on each of these day long events, including dates and to learn how you can take part in the events, please visit that event’s page on our website.
Saturday Reunions Pre-Recorded Workshops
To request disability-related accommodations contact OASID at, (212) 678-3689, (212) 678-3853 TTY, (646) 755-3144 video phone, as early as possible.