Documents to Support Units of Study

The TCRWP is eager to support districts, schools and teachers who are implementing the Units of Study curriculum. In an effort to provide resources and updates, we have assembled videos and documents for your use. Our aim is always to support curriculum and instruction that is student-centered, responsive, and assessment based. For the 2020-21 school year, we’re sharing different versions of a suggested sequence of units of study. We hope that grade level teams make collective decisions in order to foster ongoing collaboration. Your choices, of course, should reflect your school and district priorities, the needs of your students as they return to school, the resources you have available to you, and the time you have in the year ahead (whether teaching in person, remotely or in a hybrid model). If you are using the Units of Study Virtual Resources, you may choose to follow the sequence set forth in those resources or choose to add units to your grade specific calendar of units.

Suggested Sequences of Units of Study

2020-2021 K-8 Suggested Sequence of Units of Study for Affiliate Schools

2020-2021 K-8 Suggested Sequence of Units of Study

2019-20 TCRWP Suggested Sequences of Units of Study

2019-20 TCRWP Suggested Sequences of Units of Study for Schools in GA

2019-20 TCRWP Suggested Sequences of Units of Study for Schools in TX

Provisioning Workshop Classrooms

K-2, Provisioning Reading Workshop

K-2, Provisioning Writing Workshop

3-5, Provisioning Reading Workshop

3-5, Provisioning Writing Workshop

6-8, Provisioning Reading Workshop

6-8, Provisioning Writing Workshop

English Language Development Toolkit
Supports for English Learners in Writing K-8

First Grade Unit 1 and 2 Phonics Cumulative Review

Supports for English Learners in Reading K-5

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