The Intersection Between UDL and the Writing Workshop

Monday, February 8 - Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Institute will be offered virtually through Zoom.

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Grade: 3-8
Hours: 11am-5pm Eastern Standard Time
Featuring: Colleen Cruz and Janet Steinberg
Payment: Purchase orders for this institute can be made out to: Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, 525 W 120th Street, Box 77, New York, NY 10027

One of the most influential frameworks in terms of teaching practices for students with IEPs—and other students for whom school has been filled with obstacles—is Universal Design for Learning. When David Rose, the primary creator of UDL, visited TCRWP, he said he has long been a fan of TCRWP precisely because the workshop model naturally aligns with the principles and practices of UDL. In this institute, participants will have an opportunity to explore the myriad ways the workshop model naturally gives access to students, while staying grounded inside of the Units of Study.

Participants will explore the three learning networks and how the writing workshop model works within and across each of them. From teaching narrative structure to the organization of materials to the role of grammar and conventions, the presenters will share strategies for creating learning pathways that will develop students into engaged, knowledgeable and strategic writers. Looking to tried-and-true workshop methods such as minilessons and conferences, participants will consider the ways that increasing accessibility for students with IEPs and other learners who face learning obstacles also improves engagement and outcomes for all students.

Participants will then explore ways to increase access in existing units and create their own, weaving the principles of UDL with the principles and practices of workshop teaching. How can teachers identify lessons that are already accessible and how can they adjust lessons to create more access? Are their particular mentor texts, exemplar pieces or other resources that should be incorporated into existing materials?

Technology is a powerful tool for providing access to learners and yet can be tricky to determine the best ways to integrate these tools so that they liberate and don’t constrain. This institute will explore ways that by integrating carefully selected tech tools that decrease obstacles and increase independence, students will be able to share their voices in new ways. You’ll learn about dictation software, presentation apps, digital graphic organizers and other tools that can increase opportunities for rich and engaging learning.


$650/$600 NYC DOE


This institute will be offered online, in real-time via Zoom, and will not be recorded for later distribution. We will accept attendees until the institute has reached capacity.