July Phonics Institute: K-2

Monday, July 27 - Wednesday, July 29, 2020
This institute will be offered virtually and live, only, via Zoom.
Hours 11am-5pm Eastern Standard Time

Grade: K-2
Payment: Purchase orders for this institute can be made out to: Reading and Writing Project Network, LLC, 18 Pelham Lane, Ridgefield, CT 06877

This institute will introduce you to TCRWP’s new Units of Study in K-2 phonics. Co-authors will bring you behind the scenes to understand the decisions that informed the curriculum. You’ll learn about the ways in which the curriculum is grounded in the research on how kids develop. You’ll learn, also, about the storyline that undergirds each unit. In one unit, kids solve the mystery of the silent e; in another, they become word collectors and learn to deeply study words. You’ll be given a big-picture overview of the K-2 curriculum.

You’ll see the way these units allow you to transfer, adapt, and build upon methods of teaching that are essential to your reading or writing workshop instruction so that your entire language arts curriculum is more cohesive and streamlined. Most of all, you’ll see the ways that this encourages students to apply all they learn to their writing and their reading. The opportunities for transference that you give will accelerate your students’ growth and deepen their engagement.

Expect to learn new ideas for small group work in phonics. You’ll study a variety of small group lessons from Small Groups in Phonics that you’ll be able to use to address a variety of needs, bringing phonics work directly into your reading or writing workshop. You will also explore a handful of efficient and engaging assessments that can help you know when students are meeting the milestones that reflect on-course development and that alert you to children who need extra attention.

Expect to teach, sing, and play games as you explore the units and their accompanying resources, including colorful charts, decodable texts, illustrated songs and poems, student tools, and our class mascots, Mabel, Rasheed, and Gus. By the end of these three days, you’ll come to understand not only the content, but also the go-to methods that undergird our approach to the teaching of phonics for growing readers and writers.


$650/$600 NYC DOE


This institute will be offered online, in real-time via Zoom, and will not be recorded for later distribution. We will accept attendees until the institute has reached capacity.